Congress to Sebelius: “This mandate is going to wind up in the Supreme Court” Sebelius admits she did not consult Supreme Court decisions on religious liberty when drafting HHS mandate
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Ryan Colby 202-349-7219 [email protected]

In this morning’s Congressional House hearing, Sebelius admits she did not consult Supreme Court decisions on religious liberty or have a legal memo prepared before she drafted the mandate. The mandate, unprecedented in American history, forces religious institutions to pay for contraceptives, sterilizations, and abortion-causing drugs, including the morning-after pill and the week-after pill, against their deeply held religious beliefs. The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty is the first and leading law firm to challenge this mandate–filing in four states and three circuits across the country. Read more about our lawsuits here.
Features Representative Gowdy asking Sebelius about her often repeated statement on “balancing” religious liberty and preventative healthcare.
Sebelius admits she did not consult Supreme Court decisions on religious liberty or have a legal memo prepared before she drafted the mandate.