General Contact
Phone: (202) 955-0095
1919 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C., 20006
Potential Legal Matter
Legal Assistants [email protected]*
Contribution Questions
Lucy Nolan [email protected]
Media and Website Inquiries
Ryan Colby [email protected]
*To request our help with an existing or potential legal matter, please contact our Legal Assistants via email at [email protected]. Include your full name, your contact information, a brief summary of your situation, and a specific statement of the assistance you seek. We respond to intake requests as our schedule allows. Due to court schedules and other time commitments, it may take us several business weeks to respond to your request.
Note that we do not respond directly to incarcerated prisoners. Please have your attorney contact us at [email protected].
**Internet mail is not fully secure or private. Therefore, please do not transmit confidential information via Internet mail. Transmission of information is not intended to and does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not assume that your communications sent using Internet mail are privileged or confidential. Please do not send The Becket Fund any confidential information via the Internet without previously consulting one of our attorneys.