The Becket Fund’s founder, Seamus Hasson, was quoted today in the National Catholic Register’s article on the new HHS contraception coverage rule. Hasson foresaw the rule and its problematic implications in an op-ed published last week. His reaction to the rule, as quoted, is as follows:
The HHS rule “contains a feeble religious exemption that protects only institutions that employ and serve members of their own faith. It offers no protection for the vast majority of religious schools, hospitals and charities that are open to all, as if teaching children, healing the sick and feeding the hungry weren’t religious practices. And it does nothing to protect individual believers,” said Seamus Hasson of the Becket Fund, which provides legal counsel on religious-freedom cases.
“By offering religious exemptions only to organizations that do not reach out to the world, Secretary Sebelius may not have cured the common conscience, but she has certainly done her best to quarantine it,” said Hasson.
Read more here.