Rob Ellis

Constitutional Law Fellow

Twitter @becketfund
Education Education

J.D., Harvard Law School, cum laude
LL.M., University of Cambridge, First Honors
B.A., Brigham Young University, summa cum laude

Clerkship Clerkship

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Honorable Jennifer Walker Elrod

Rob Ellis

Rob Ellis joined Becket as a Constitutional Law Fellow in 2025.

Before joining Becket, Rob worked as a partner at trial and appellate firm Yetter Coleman LLP and then as Assistant General Counsel for Southwestern Energy Corporation. During this time, Rob obtained extensive experience successfully taking high-stakes commercial cases to trial around the country, securing verdicts and settlements for hundreds of millions of dollars. His most personally rewarding experience, however, came from winning a bench trial pro bono on behalf of three Native American prisoners being forced to cut their hair in violation of their religious faith.

Rob served as a law clerk for Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

Rob earned his J.D. cum laude from Harvard Law School, and his LL.M. with First Honors from the University of Cambridge. He previously graduated summa cum laude from Brigham Young University with a B.A. in English.

Rob and his wife Christa enjoy raising a basketball team of five children: four girls and a boy. He enjoys learning languages and is conversant in Portuguese, Spanish, Norwegian, and ASL. Rob also currently serves as the president of the board for his local school district in the suburbs north of Houston.